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3 Wicker Bowls (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Decorative – Misc
Room: Multiple Rooms
Price: §40
Poly Count(s): 446
3 ornamental bowls. One wicker, one rattan, and one a kind of grungy, dark wicker style.
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What! Lady Angel, are you on the road to creating game objects? I so want to learn how to do that! What program do you use pray tell! These are lovely! I just uploaded a house to MTS showcasing your kitchen curtains. Hope it’s accepted, but they’re having a problem with cc wizard and I had to type it alll in. i think i forgot some transparent tiles so they may send it back.
Thanks, tric! I’ve been dabbling with meshing for years, but could never follow the tutorials at MTS and could never get the hang of Milkshape. However, after following tutorials at BPS I managed to create my first object! I use Wings 3D and UVmapper, both of which are free. However, I upgraded to the pro version of UVmapper as you can view your meshes with a texture, which is invaluable if you want to see if the texture will be too stretched when applied to the item.
Basically, you use SimPE to ‘clone’ an item so you can extract the mesh. Then you create your item in Wings 3D, then you need to ‘map’ the mesh in UVmapper so the game knows where to apply the textures to the object. Objects such as tables are easier to create than, say, curtains or sofas.
Meshing is not easy, but I’m (very!) slowly starting to get the hang of it. It’s learning how to use Wings 3D and all it’s features, as well as the actual mapping that are the most difficult, but how rewarding!
Will leave you to it LadyAngel, sounds too complicated for me, will just build a house instead, thats nice n easy!!