Split Level Building

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  • Home Forums Game Help & Chat Sims 2 Sims 2 General Split Level Building

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    • #918

        I hope someone can help me with this.How do I build a split level? Believe it or not, I’ve tried but I get messed up, When I do, everything doesn’t work right?
        I downloaded the tutroial for fixing garage doors & doors & windows, now I need to know how to build the split level.
        Please help with this….


          Re: Split Level Building

          Is it just for the base game, or do you have Nighlife installed? See this tutorial if you just have the base game:

          If you have Nighlife, you can build using the split-level foundation.

          Please post all support requests in the forums if at all possible


            Re: Split Level Building

            That’s a terrific tutorial by Mike Inside, Angela. I had forgotten all about that site.
            Thank you for sharing! 🙂


              Re: Split Level Building

              I love his tutorials, they’re so easy to follow 🙂

              Please post all support requests in the forums if at all possible


                Re: Split Level Building

                Are you using the cheat “boolProp ConstrainfloorElevation True/false correctly? The easiest way to build a split level is first you build the first floor of your house, then add a second floor walls where you want the split. By the side of the place you want to modify, you build stairs downwards (3 sets of modular stairs correspond to 1 wall, 2 sets to 2/3 of a wall, so 1 set correspond to 1/3 of a wall and probably what you want. Delete the stairs and flat the terrain where the stairs were, to the lowest level space and build one tile of foundation on that place. Build enclosed walls on that piece of foundation. Turn the boolProp Constrain floor Elevation to “false” and place tiles on the top of the enclosed walls you just build. The tiles will shrink the second floor walls of your building and simulate a split level. Don’t forget to turn the cheat to “true” again when you are ready otherwise you mess up your building. Works on all game configurations as from Base Game. If you have OFB there is a sort of wood foundation that does the same already. No matter if you use the split technique or the OFB foundation, split levels normally make it very difficult to work on the building architecture afterwards because the build tool gets crazy and jump around all the time.

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