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  • Community Hebburn Hideaway Community Lot   (Views: 17,760 )

    2 Responses

    1. triciamanly says:

      Oh now this is adorable, and see, you’re generous. You made it a community lot for all to enjoy, where as if Amelia were mine she would buy the whole place so she could live in it! It’s really a charming pub though! Say, can you make a community lot residential with base game? I know you can with Open For Business.

    2. LadyAngel says:

      You can do that with SimPE. Now there’s a program I can’t do without! I like to build community lots for the base game, but I like to add computers, bookshelves etc., which you can’t do with just the base game. So I create a residential lot, add all the residential items I can, then turn it into a community lot using SimPE before adding all the community items. Hope that makes sense!

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