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Medieval Window Seat (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Comfort – Sofas & Loveseats
Room: Living
Price: §100
Poly Count(s): 116
Medieval-style window seat. Low poly, which is always good! 🙂
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Where was this when I was doing my Moroccan lot lol!! Love it!
Thanks, Tiff…I’ll try and be a bit more psychic next time! 😛
A window seat is a great idea! What did you clone this from if I might ask?
Thanks all. 🙂 Anne, I cloned one of the garden benches for this. I did, however, have to delete the shadows from the object as they didn’t look right in-game, and I’m not sure how to make new ones, so this doesn’t have any! 🙁
Thanks so much for this, I like the length of it as well as style