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Scenic Background Recolours (Views:

Item Type: Re-Colour
Function: Decorative – Misc
Room: Outdoor
Link To Required Mesh:
A few more scenic backgrounds. You will need to download the included mesh if you haven’t already got it.
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That is so nice LadyAngel, I really love it.
P>S> I love, love, love the winter scene, the othere’s are nice too.
Thanks Chi, the winter ones are my favourite, too 🙂
Love the one with the river! 🙂
Thanks Sophie, that one is lovely. I’ve been looking at some more, but they have to be the right shape, i.e. panoramic, or they look weird. 🙂
They are all lovely, I personally would like to see some village scenes so I can make my lots look like part of a community 🙂
Hmm, never thought of that. Will have a look to see what I can find.