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Small Bathroom Accessories (Views: 2,698 )
Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Decorative – Sculptures
Room: Bathroom
Price: §65
Poly Count(s): 834
You wouldn’t believe how long it took to do these, but I’m quite pleased with the result. I’m sure my meshing will improve in time as I figure out more features in Wings 3D. However, for now, here are a few bathroom accessories: A soap dispenser, cup with toothbrush and 3 facecloths. I hope you like them.Â
Re-colouring requests considered.
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Nice job, meshing is not something I wish to tackle, so good on you Angel for giving it a go and making good results out of it!
Just downloaded them and will hopefully use them in one of my lots. Probably won’t upload though because if I use CC I tend to use it though the entire lot and I have trouble keeping track of what I have used.
Edit: Your download counter must take some time to show up, I’ve tried downloading it twice and that number hasn’t increased.
Thanks for your lovely comments, they’re very encouraging.
TDS, the counters only update once per hour to save server resources. 🙂
So it’s Wings 3D, aha! Someday! I dream of being able to make objects. I really admire what you’ve done!
Trust me tric…if I can do it, anyone can!
Oh I that is a must have!! Would have looked good in my other house in the Blue Bathroom Maxis don’t have enough clutter for Bathrooms I feel Thanksssssss 😀
Awesome clutter.
Thank you for sharing