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  • Sets Tiki/Outdoor Dining Furniture   (Views: 2,557 )

    3 Responses

    1. TheDeadSim says:

      This looks really nice 🙂
      Just a suggestion, maybe 4 skinnier legs would match the chairs better than 1 large center leg. Some cutouts in the table would also show a nice light airy feel just like the chairs. Other than that, this is really nice and fresh!

    2. mmm, I was thinking along the same lines as TDS. Really like the look of the chairs. Could you make a bench seat to go with it too?

    3. LadyAngel says:

      Thanks for your feedback guys, much appreciated. 🙂

      TDS, I agree, however, this was copied from an image I found of an outdoor set, and I’m no good if I can’t see to copy something! lol

      Karen, it should be an easy matter to convert the chair into a bench, I’ll see what I can do.

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