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2 Edgewood (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 7
Price: §144,983
Lot Size: 3×2
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7 bedroom luxury home with a price tag to match! Custom content is by me and from the following links:,1397.0.html
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Angela!!! Firstly what a brilliant idea doing a slide show and Secondly the house is amazing in the way on the outside it don’t look big but on the insides its huge!! Take a bow me Lady 🙂
Thank you very much 🙂 Yes, it did turn out a bit bigger than I expected. I’m thinking of turning it into a beachfront hotel or something along those lines.
Well I am sure you can do anything you set your mind too Did you notice????? I didn’t say anything about the green bedroom :O Ha ha AND boy was it hard lol With you Angela I alway’s expect the UNEXPECTED!! lol
It looks like a very nice house Angela and as Donna says it’s like a tardis. But I prefer to view still images. I went looking on the links you provided but couldn’t find them. A hotel would be a great idea 🙂
Thank you Angela, I much prefer the still images, it means I can look in detail at the floor layout plans. Love the house 🙂
Yes the slide show was relaxing! Love the curtains and bedspreads!
Thank you for your comments, ladies. 🙂 Karen, I’ve updated the post to include an album with still images. 🙂
I really like this house! A very spacious lower plan and the large number of rooms upstairs. Really awesome
That is an interesting idea of the slideshow! (a bit slow for my liking but still a nifty idea!)