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Cheapest TV (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Electronics – TV’s & Computers
Room: Multiple Rooms
Price: §200
Poly Count(s): 1018
Well, this type of TV is no more worth § 20 simoleans. I got 3 of them from my friends because I used it to work out. Now I’m waiting for the summer to bring them for recycling. 😀
I changed the glass shelf color to brown instead for blue, because it is not recolorable.
Otherwise it is slaved to the original and will pick all recolors.
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Great, and I love how you ‘slave’ your items to others to pick up the recolours. I wouldn’t know where to start with that! lol
I wouldn’t boast on myself cause I crashed my game thousand times before I learned it. Actually it is very easy, but the tuts available are not!