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Filing Cabinets (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Decorative – Misc
Room: Study/Office
Price: §40 each
Poly Count(s): 12 each
Decorative filing cabinets, one small one large. In the images I’ve shown them separate, and also with the moveobjects on and snapobjectstogrid cheats to show what they can look like together. Re-colour requests welcome.
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Great office item, nice to fill up some unused space with and give a more real look
Thanks. Hope they’ll be useful to someone. 🙂
Very nice, Angela, agree with Tiff 🙂
Thanks Karen. They took me forever to get right, though! lol
They’re awesome. The texturing is perfect! I will definitely use them with that desk. Many thanks!
Thank you Anne, I hope they look good in your game!