Fixed Valley Dale Neighbourhood (Views:

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I got permission from LadyAngle to upload my fix of her Valley Dale Hood.
I raised the land up so the water level would not show on the lots. I did not change anything else.
I used Mootilda’s Lot Compressor and 7zip to make the download less that 1/3 of what it was.
I had to use winrar to zip it up for this site does not allow 7zip (7zip uses winrar to unpack it).
There is no custom content other than houses that were made with the base game.
original hood is over 65 mb and my upload is only 23 mb.
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How lovely that you did this. I downloaded valley dale and could never get it to show in my game, but will try your fix and see what happens. Thanks so much!
Thanks Marka, I hope my members find this useful.