Home Alone in Winnetka (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 3
Price: §249,606
Lot Size: 5×3
On the second floor I did get all of the rooms although not exactly the right proportions. The master suite includes sitting room with fireplace, private bathroom, and sunroom. Other rooms upstairs include two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and play room.
Hopefully your sims will enjoy a big, comfortable house, and be sure to count heads when they go on vacation!
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Hi tric, this looks great but unfortunately the zip file is corrupt, please can you re-upload 😕
Thanks so much for letting me know so quickly! I reuploaded and hope the new one is ok.
The new file is fine, thanks for the fast response 🙂
By the way, I love the way you have the open doors leading to the kitchen…it’s little touches like this that make your lots unique. I’ve stolen many an idea from you for my own lots!
As soon as I saw the pic for this I knew what movie it came out! And what is even more amazing is its CC free!!