Island Counter Value (Views: 4,110 )
Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Surfaces – Counters & Islands
Room: Kitchen
Price: §140
Poly Count(s): 2123
I have always wished me an island counter for the Base Game Value Counter. Believe me, I tried everything unsuccessfully. No templates help, nothing. Latest night I was beaten after more than 30 tries and errors.
Today I got something.
I used the NL Counter Club Neontrix as base to make an island that looked like the base game counter. Of course I gave up taking out the neon lights, instead I made them much smaller and hidden at the bottom of the counter. I liked the result, maybe you like it too.
My favourite game color is the Base Game “Avocado” that I always use in my decorations. Once I followed a link from another user and landed in a site I don’t remember anymore (was there only on that ocasion) and found a counter that was made or by someone named Zita, or Zita is probably a style, dunno. It pleased me so much that I started to make an add-on for that counter style.
Here you will find a recolor for the Base Game counter for such counter. The add-on set is veeeeery big and I use it a lot. So, if you find anything named “Zita”, it is a follower of that style.
The poly count for the (neon) Value Counter Island is 2123, just because counters have several side views and each view is about 510 polys. No way to scape this fact.
I priced it as § 140, to be the same as the Value Counter. It is a new mesh and I made it totally alone with new UV mapping and all required.
The recolors are required if you also like my favorite colors, otherwise, full optional and the island will match the Neontrix counter from nightlife and will pick any recolor you may have. It is slaved to it.
Very big work, hope the result is satisfactory. 🙂
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Very useful, thank you.
The Zita you are referring to you is probably from Aussie Topenders, you can find the kitchen here
Yes, I suppose so. Thanks for the link. I didn’t use their counter but ended up building a huge add-on. In fact I used most of the game objects and the recolors are over the bg cheap counter, which looked good enough for me and easy to combine. The high objects that look like cupboards on the other post, was a trial that pleased me. But I had problems to slave the objects to avoid extra data and asked Huge Lunatic at MTS to slave it for me. So, it is a joint work and as I didn’t do it alone, I can’t also post it under my name.
I’m very satisfied with my game and a long time ago I decided to stop when I got 1,5 GB cc in my downloads. It never reaches such amount because I replace things all the time, but now I think I’m reaching the saturation point, where nothing else is really necessary.
And I have very much fun with the game, that now is 100% adapted to me, so it is my own personal game.
Doubt it is shareable, it is almost like my underwear. 😀
Ooh, I like these, thanks for all your hard work, it was worth it. 🙂