Kitchen Appliances – Conversion to LS (Views: 1,713 )
Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Appliances
Room: Kitchen
Price: §Diverse
Poly Count(s): Diverse
Here are some kitchen appliances to be used in Life Stories. They are all Extreme modified to meet my taste and should work Base Game. I included the Food Replicator, already known, but now totally fit for LS and probably Base Game. Warning: the mini-fridge is fit for LS but comes with no Return Guaranty, it is one of the most troubled objects ever made. The food processor is one from the K&B, I suppose, and one that I made self and is my favorite color: brown.
Extra Info
Objects fit to Life Stories, first Edition.
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I’m loving these conversions! And don’t worry, I won’t be asking for a refund! 😀