LeRachael – Requested (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Starter Furnishings
Bedrooms: 4
Price: §126,170
Lot Size: 4×4
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Another one Im bringing over from mts, this was a request from a mts memeber, Rachaelstar713 from this plan https://www.houseplans.com/plan_details.asp?id=4330. The thing that always bugged me with this house was the roof ended up not looking quite right, but sometimes, what can you do!
This house has 4 bedrooms and three bathrooms, seperate living, dining and kitchen with a nook, laundry and garage.
This is not furnished just has the kitchen and 2 of the bathrooms.
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– Colonial Tract Extendable Arch Top by tbudgett
– Birch Tree Shrubby by khakidoo
– Tiny Round Green by khakidoo
– Tall Wooden Planter by www.thesimszone.co.uk
– Large Shrubby Shrub by HystericalParoxysm
– This wall treatment captures the in-the-rough feel of urban living and warms it up with a pale tan finish. by tbudgett
– How did all these stones get stacked so perfectly? We’d hate to try to pull one out. by tbudgett
– Craftsman 1Tile Privacy Closed window by tbudgett
– “Annie” Modular Sofa by blake_boy
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Wow! This is lovely, would be great to see it furnished, though. I love what you’ve done in the kitchen and the bathroom and with the bookshelves, gonna have to nick all those ideas 🙂
This is really good! Ditto on the kitchen and bathroom, it’s great to see such innovative design!
Very big and spacious, great use of roof space and matching interior styling. I do agree with Karen though, furnishing would just top this lot off. 🙂
I think the roof looks great! It’s a really interesting house and you captured all of its good qualities.