Little Bit Cape Cod (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 3
Price: §70,595
Lot Size: 3×3
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Back to the older style houses, I was going to carry on with my Pastel Way Series but figured new site new start!!
So heres something thats just a Little Bit Cape Cod like.
This house has
3 Bedrooms
2 and half Bathrooms
Dining Room
Living Room
Very Child friendly with swing set, sandpit (just for show) and a treehouse out the back.
Hope you all enjoy
Extra Info Thanks to the ever lovely Triciamanly for her beautiful walls that I have finally gotten my hands on (looking forward to more!!)…nscoting-1200/
Ladder from Marvine
And the white roof trim from phaenoh, which you will have to download if you want it as its a defult replacement
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Now this has great kerb appeal! This is a nice family home, with a large play area for the kids, right where you can keep an eye on them…love it!
Yes, totally agree with LadyAngel, beautiful. Can we see a pic of upstairs too? and what’s down the stairs?
Will try and get some pics of the rooms, when I did pics to start with was getting late and could barely keep my eyes open, which is why theres one room pic and no more as yet!
Thanks for the compliments 🙂
Forgive me for being dense, but tric also has homes that refer to ‘Cape Cod’, what does that mean?
It’s a style of housing. If you look at house plans they sometimes refer to Cape cod housing, they have front porches like this one that Tiffany has built. I think you probably find them in warmer climes rather than our wet climate – what’s the point of a balcony if it’s always raining and cold 🙂
Oh, I see. Well, I like it very much!
Oh wow! Tiff! I’ve been on vacation to see my kids in CA and I missed this beauty! I can’t tell you how thrilled I am that you uploaded here and used my walls. I’m honored!! I love how you used the fence on the roof. It makes it decorative and Cape Coddish!
Oh ha ha! The roof trim isn’t fencing, but actual trim. No wonder it looks so awesomef!
Again thanks for the lovely comments, sorry been meaning to get pics and have realised I’ve reset my anygame again (always tend to do that after I build something) so will have to download my own house to get more pics lol! Have been working on a maxis makeover, found a beauty in nightlife which i’d never seen before and it looked like so much fun to redo. Hope its ok to post maxis makeovers on here, as Im loving how its turning out and cant wait to share it!
And Tric it is just fencing, the small one with the points on it just thought the roof looked bland and blah and need a lil something something! 😛 Hey hope you had an awesome time away! You went away to visit your kids and right now I wouldnt mind getting away from mine LOL!!!!