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  • Residential Modern Beach Living   (Views: 3,190 )

    5 Responses

    1. This is so clever. How on earth did you get a pool on the roof?

    2. ekrubynaffit says:

      I said pool get on the roof, and it got up there! Wish it was so easy! Follow this tute for split levels https://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=94576 and when you get to number 6 change to this tute https://www.modthesims.info/showthread.php?t=94588

    3. LadyAngel says:

      I’ve never been able to get a pool on the roof! Well done, I’ll be it wasn’t easy!

    4. triciamanly says:

      This house was a great inspiration to me! I had always wanted to build a pool in a deck and thanks to you I can now do it! And it was so easy all the time! Thanks Tiff!

    5. ranabluu says:

      I like this a lot.

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