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Moroccan-Style Bedroom Furniture (Views: 3,906 )
Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Miscellaneous – Dressers
Room: Bedroom
Price: §60 each
Poly Count(s): Dresser 86, End Table 80
This is the Moroccan-style furniture that was created for our October 2012 challenge. it can easily be recoloured, so do say if you’d like it in another one.
There are 2 new meshes, the dresser and the bedside cabinet, and 1 bed recolour
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Ooh I like these very much Maybe an orange/blue one?
Thanks, Karen. What shade of blue/orange would you like? 🙂
Edit: Recolours added 😀
You’re making new furniture! Does everyone realize how amazing and admirable that is!!!! Thanks so much, I’m so tired of base game furniture and we so need a new dresser.
Oh, thank you so much! It’s not the actual creating, though that’s hard enough, it’s adding the patterns etc. That’s what I need to practice 🙂
Moroccan will look great in Greece too right! So pretty, many thanks!
verynicework,I’mfan, thank you.
Very lovely, as you can tell by my work, I like things that match a lot. This is so nice. I like white & light brown colors or tan & white, altho you can tell, I’m not sure what morrocon is suppose to look like, can’t even spell it., it is pretty tho 😛
I am using this, it really is lovely, do you think yiou will make it in white or off white?
Is it possible to make it in cream-white or white & oak as some trim? I really would try,once I tried to make a white pair of stairs and could not get it to work in the game, it was a blank square said no previous. I’ve been scared to try anything else. oh and that file I tried to make messed up my sims really bad, took a week & 1/2 to find the file then delete it, well there is more to it but won’t go into it. could you do this or me? I love this Moroccan set so much, I just don’t use it that often because I guess I am a die hard color of white. I know this is a lot to ask. So I would appreciate you time and headaches to color this for me.