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  • Residential Park View Apartments   (Views: 2,720 )

    3 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      This looks really good. I love how you’ve made the parking bay. I’m thinking of taking these and appartmentising them…I know there’s no such word, but I may do it anyway 🙂

    2. They’re lovely, Tric, and you’ve decorated them all individually too. They’d be very easy to convert. I’ve discovered that peeps like larger apartments too with more bedrooms.

    3. triciamanly says:

      Yes, please apartmentize them. I’m still working on packaging the neighborhood. The first time I tried to compress into several files, I got 23,925 files. Had to make a new neighborhood folder. My screen doesn’t look like yours in the tutorial. Look: Whoops, 404 not found message.

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