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Riverwood Modern (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Price: §67,417
Lot Size: 3×2
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Small, base-game home with 1 bedroom and open-plan living area. The only custom content are the Mint Potenza Floor Tiles and my old brick wall.
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That is very cute 🙂
It has a very home-like feel to it. And isn’t that brick wall in the kitchen CC too?
Oops, forgot about that! I’ll have to update the download!
Updated now, thanks for the heads-up 🙂
So cute, and alt of room for expansion!
Yes, I like it too! It has a nice open feeling with lots of light. The bricks and the tiles add that extra touch of interest we all love!
Ohh I should have been paying more attention!! The light wood colours look so much nicer.Also smaller more cozy houses too.It’scute Angel!!
Thank you all! 🙂