Sketches (Views:

Item Type: Re-Colour
Function: Decorative – Wall Hangings
Room: Multiple Rooms
August is a bit of a sad month for me, I actually hate it to be honest. Was looking for something totally different on the net the other day and the first pic that came up in Google images was a sketch of a girl looking sad staring out a window, and then I found related ones that kinda mirrored how I was feeling that day, so have made them into wall hangings. Its a bit sad and morbid, but its art, someone may want it!
I have only used two paintings, but they both require Nightlife, sorry cant remember the nmes of the paintings used theres the pink square canvas one and the othe canvas thats quite long, they can both be found at the end of the deco/wall hanging list.
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Tiff, these are lovely and I can see why you chose them.
Very beautiful sketches, downloading now.
I know how you feel I have hated August ever since my Mum passed on the 6th and those paintings sure do project the feelings on that day Thanks hun xo
We’re so close knit donna, My Nana passed on the 5th of August, which is why Im not a total fan of my birthday anymore! 3rd of August would have been my best friends 30th this year so had a drink (ahem bottle) for her, and my other close friend Shaun died of a heart attack on the 11th of August same year my best friend died and we ended up having his funeral on the 15th which was his 18th birthday (they both passed in 2000 so quite awhile ago), so thats why Im not a fan of the month of August!
Nice job on the sketches.
August holds a mix of good and bad for me. I understand.
Perfect, thanks. This is something I can use. I have adapted All TS2 objects for my Simulator and they are all sort of Base Game kind, just with codes C/1. Base Game uses B/0.
Thankyou everyone for all the lovely comments 🙂
These are exactly what I was looking for, for my artist’s studio! thank you
These are beautiful… the will be used a LOT in my lots…lol. Thank you.