Southern Dream (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 3
Price: §142,831
Lot Size: 4×3
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For Sale: Large 3 bedroom 3 bath home in Greenboro, Alabama. Lots of extras include gourmet kitchen with island and breakfast nook, home office, downstairs guest room with bath, and extra large pool and yard. The house was built in 1950, but was recently remodeled throughout using quality materials such as designer tiles by TofuSnorlax. Should be perfect for a growing family.
Extra Info Potenza Tiles in blue by TofuSnorlax
Small amount of cc including walls, floors, and furniture recolors by me.
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How you crank them out so fast AND make it look flawless is beyond me! Another Gem!
I love the garden plot out in the front, nice and fancy. And the way the kitchen nook comes out- looks especially great from the back!
My favourite part is the fence out the front. But the overall house is really nice!
I love this! I would never have thought to put little roofs on the outside fencing like that, it’s a touch of brilliance!
I’m with Tiff on this, how on earth do you manage it?
Anyway, love the sweeping drive to the front of the house, makes it look so grand (well it is grand anyway). The layout is lovely too, although I don’t think I’d like to be eating my breakfast whilst someone was washing up, might get splashed! And Tofu’s blue tiles look lovely in your kitchen 🙂
What joy, and what I look forward to, Your Comments! Thanks so much! I’ve been cranking out houses because the server is busy and also because lately I’ve been getting headaches from staring at majhong blocks!
Very pretty house. 🙂