Autonomous Social Interactions (Views:

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This Mod:
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affects Sims interactions
These are social interactions related to Proposals. As I said, my intention is to give a real life to townies and similar, not just a “pretend it is happening” WARNING: do not try them if you are not a modder self or at least can make own adaptations. In fact these mods alone don’t enable autonomy, they are just a bunch of new rules. In order to make them to take effect, it is necessary to enable also the equivalent interaction starter, this means, to tick the equivalent menu that is inside the Person Globals, yes, the biiiiiigest Pie menu in the game. I’m not supplying my own, well, because it is completely enabled. —————-The file named “Proposition Engage Marriage Autonomous …bla-bla-bla” contain rules that allow sims to propose engagement to each other autonomously if they are in love and their relationship is maxed (STR/LTR = 100/100) and this is never reached in an EA original environment. It allows sims to propose engagement even if they are not residents, what is perfect for townies. They can propose everywhere and to whoever they wish, so long the requirements are met.———————- The “Autonomous Break Up” has severe rules and requires that you are no more in love with your fiancée or spouse and the relationship is totally screwed up both STR and LTR. Depending on how less nice they are, they will be even suggested to do it by ad. A family sim will not take it as easy as any other. But they Will do it when you less expect mainly if they are cheated and really mad. In just one play section I got it all – see pics of the tests! ———————————– The file “Party Cake – Grab a plate – Formal” is a small mod to force sims that are not invited to a party, to change to formal as well, as soon as they grab from the party cake. My sims can greet passing-by autonomously (of course) and I require that if there’s a party going on, they dress festively to have right to the cake. ———————————— Now to the seriousness: the file named “Social – Marriage – Alternative Move in” is a direct change of the original social interaction. If the interaction is NOT enabled in the person globals it will give you the next alternatives. If enabled, it will become autonomous and available to all sims, including visitors. To avoid that everybody rush into marriage, the rules are: Maxed relationship both STR/LTR, previous engagement, love required. It will affect all Marriage Arches, except Inge’s Marriage of Convenience, that is custom. Considering that you didn’t enable the autonomy, the changes are the following: Sims can marry each other even if the lot is full; you have no space in your double bed and your mother hates your fiancée. As soon as someone starts the marriage, the game will check if there’s room for a new family member and is going to ask you “Move in Spouse?”. A “No” answer will add an attribute that will avoid the move in and your sim will be married in separated households. This will allow a non-playable to propose marriage, in the case you enable autonomy, once the game will check if the proposer is resident. If is not a family member, it will check if the proposed is resident. Only townies and non playable can propose marriage to residents, members of other playable households can propose only in their own lot. This is so because it is unlikely to succeed in transferring a sim to another household via marriage (at least by now). The game will check if the proposer is a townie, and in this case it will not even ask you and automatically will proceed the marriage of separated households. If you have room for the townie, you can propose a move-in later. If not, you can keep married to another household. A feature is that you can adopt children and they will have both parents in the family tree, even if they don’t live together. I cared for all chances and there’s a correct terminations for all odds, I hope. I’m going to succeed in having the townies family to look like they are living in the next apartment block, not in the Limbo. And they are going to be full playable, just because, well, I’m a manipulator and I do this with my own life, sims are just a piece of cake. The mod is considered Custom content because it includes new Bhav codes, text, etc . That’s it! Sorry for the confusing text form, it seems I’m no more allowed to change line when writing and it is not caused by my computer, so it is a site limitation. Have fun!
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wow, this is a really complex set of mods and they’re really exciting. i’m going to download and try and fiddle with them. thanks for making these!
Thank you so much for this mod! You are a genius creator. 😀