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  • Residential Back to the Barnyard   (Views: 3,261 )

    7 Responses

    1. Love this Tiff, and love your use of CC, especially those wall paintings.

    2. TofuSnorlax says:

      I love the bits of angled furniture here and there, they make the house look so lived in and realistic. And the sockets and floor vents are such a perfect touch too! The kitchen is my favorite room – I really like those counters and cabinets!

    3. CheekyBugga says:

      I absolutely LOVE the finishing touch CC does!! Makes mine look so dull compared to your’s Well Done!!!! When I grow up I wanna be just as good as all you so very talented Creator’s 😀 😛

    4. LadyAngel says:

      This is gorgeous, and so very deceptive! It’s much bigger inside than it looks, very nice!

    5. ekrubynaffit says:

      Thanks guys for the nice comments 🙂

    6. TheDeadSim says:

      I agree with Lady A ^^
      The layout is just brilliant matching the shape of the building and it just doesn’t looked cramped at all. You really captured that barn feeling inside and out. I don’t think I would change a thing 🙂

    7. chilili says:

      What a cute little house, love the lay out.

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