Boleyn Manor (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 4
Price: §213,546
Lot Size: 6×3
Extra Info:
Contains custom content
Some content is included
This Tudor Manor sits on a large plot, with far-reaching views across the English countryside. It is a large property set in beautiful landscaped gardens.
The garden layout was inspired by Hampton Court Palace in the UK. The Knot Garden is traditionally found in Tudor gardens.
4 Bedrooms
En suite Bathroom
Family Bathroom
Large Open Plan Kitchen/Dining/Family Room
Kitchen Garden
Large Landscaped Garden
Click to view credits
Kitchen Basic by Buggybooz at MTS
Kitchen Basic recolour by Michelle at Leefish.nlCustom Content required but not included:
Kitchen Basic by Buggybooz at MTS
Michelle – Buggybooz Kitchen Basic AL Recolour (dark brown) at LeefishCustom Content included:
Leefish – Place me Anywhere Lamp
Fanseelamb – Bedding for BoysMTS
Hearty Light tiles (wall)
Tiny Tile Mosaic (full wall)
Tiny Tile Mosaic (3/4 wall)
Missionaire Desk 1 Tile
Willow Clock
Shakerlicious Dining Table
Shakerlicious Dining Chair
Closets are for clothes
Single Tile Closet recolour (clothes)
Open me door on 2 tiles
Phoenix Phaerie
Manor House Wall Sconce
Bouganvillea in a Pot
Daisies in a Pot
Tulips in a VaseOther Places
4ESF – Outdoor Climbing Rose
Sandy at ATS2 – Tropezienne Bathroom Column End Table
Nengi’s Spot – Shrubbery Fence Short
You will need to use a gardening mod for this as some of the plants are not accessible to sims. You can get one here
I also suggest using Moghughson’s watch TV from anywhere mod, you can get it here
Unfortunately, these fireplaces do not function on the diagonal.
Required Expansion Packs:
Required Stuff Packs:
You must be a logged in member to download this file
This beautiful house is the result of a lot of hard work by the sim builder! (Not to mention listing all the cc!!) I really like how you but the rock wall around the foundation so that it was up from the ground. That looks really good and of course how I would imagine a formal English manor to look, not just flat on the ground. Congratulations on a truly impressive house.
Thanks Tric, it did indeed take many days to build, but I had lots of suggestions and feedback from my friends at Leefish and a little feedback at MTS CFF.
Ohhh its lovely, and love that you’ve named it after the Boleyns, we come from the Howard line and a Katherine Howard on our side was Aunt to Anne Boleyn and the other infamous Katherine Howard!
It is indeed lovely. The Tudor era has always been my favourite 🙂
Yes, love the houses and interested in the history but I don’t think I’d have liked to live through it all – too much ‘off with your heads’ and ‘burning at the stake’ for my liking!
Yes, that and the plague, not to mention what they did on the streets out of their windows!
Oh my word, now that is a garden. Great job!