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  • Residential Featured_postBoleyn Manor   (Views: 4,162 )

    7 Responses

    1. triciamanly says:

      This beautiful house is the result of a lot of hard work by the sim builder! (Not to mention listing all the cc!!) I really like how you but the rock wall around the foundation so that it was up from the ground. That looks really good and of course how I would imagine a formal English manor to look, not just flat on the ground. Congratulations on a truly impressive house.

    2. Thanks Tric, it did indeed take many days to build, but I had lots of suggestions and feedback from my friends at Leefish and a little feedback at MTS CFF.

    3. ekrubynaffit says:

      Ohhh its lovely, and love that you’ve named it after the Boleyns, we come from the Howard line and a Katherine Howard on our side was Aunt to Anne Boleyn and the other infamous Katherine Howard!

    4. LadyAngel says:

      It is indeed lovely. The Tudor era has always been my favourite 🙂

    5. Yes, love the houses and interested in the history but I don’t think I’d have liked to live through it all – too much ‘off with your heads’ and ‘burning at the stake’ for my liking!

    6. LadyAngel says:

      Yes, that and the plague, not to mention what they did on the streets out of their windows!

    7. Sookielee says:

      Oh my word, now that is a garden. Great job!

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