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Dracul Fish Hatchery (Views:

Price: §98, 218
Game Version: 12.273.017001
Here is another lot from my medieval world, Dracul Isle. This huge facility offers not only job opportunities for the serious fishermen in the village, but also a wonderful place to come tour and catch that special fish.
Lot Information:
CC Free
EA remodel
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What an unusual idea for a lot! It’s very well laid out, I like it very much. 🙂
Thanks, LadyAngel. Actually, this is an EA remodel of the hatchery in Bridgeport, I believe. It is needed for the angler career. And it is stocked with all kinds of fish to help anglers meet their lifetime wish. The lot is way too big though, I think, but a very nice lot for the Sim to visit and the wild horses love it.