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Evergreen Cottage (Views:

Property Type: Residential
Condition: Fully Furnished
Bedrooms: 2
Price: §61,618
Lot Size: 4×3
This was my first ever upload at MTS, just a simple wee cottage, 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, kitchen, nice wee garden with a veggie patch, pretty self explanatory!
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Made you look, you dirty chook, hanging on a butchers hook!
Another CC free!
Another CC free!
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It’s really cute and cozy! The little stone path really adds to the quaintness and quirkyness! And your floor plan is interesting too, not boxy which we all know is the ultimate sin!
Cute and pretty, tiff 🙂
WOW you was even good back then lol Nice Tiff I wish my no CC houses would come out as good as yours 🙂
No cc? Incredible – really like the layout on this one.