Decorative Quarter Wall (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Decorative – Sculptures
Room: Multiple Rooms
Price: §10
Poly Count(s): 12
The Decorative Quarter Wall is a sculpture, found in the decorative items under sculptures. It came about as a result of frustration with warped walls when trying to connect to a cfe quarter wall. This wall only costs 10 simoleons. It’s snaps to grid nicely, but needs the cheat code move_objects on to place. Please recolor it to suit your needs. I’m including some stucco recolors which aren’t perfect, but do blend!
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Anne, what a fantastic idea! I would never have thought of anything like this in a million years…downloading now!
Wonderful creation for lot builders! Well done!
Ohh! I’m so thrilled you approve! I recolored and recolored but never could get the textures to match exactly. I bet Lady Angel can! Thank you both for the comments!
Tricia this is a terrific idea!
Is there a way to recolor the top of the quarter wall so it matches the sides?
Also, can you create an OMSP w/ invisible recolor so that objects can be placed on top of your quarter wall?
Good job!!!
Hi Sugah, thanks so much for the suggestions. Recoloring the wall is easy, but I’m sorry, I don’t know what an OMSP w/ invisible recolor is. Wish I did. It sounds super useful!
Oh Anne!!! Take these and you’ll never look back! AND Im sure these will work nicely on the wall too hurrah!