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  • Residential My House   (Views: 4,802 )

    6 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      This is so cool! What a gorgeous house you have…how long did it take to build this in Sims?

    2. Wow, Tiff, is it always that tidy too?

      Now I suppose I need to make mine, lol

    3. ekrubynaffit says:

      Originally Posted by LadyAngel
      This is so cool! What a gorgeous house you have…how long did it take to build this in Sims?

      Um, just today lol!! mainly after 5, so an hour! Fastest Ive ever built anything but I suppose it helps when you know where everything goes

    4. ekrubynaffit says:

      Originally Posted by karen lorraine
      Wow, Tiff, is it always that tidy too?

      Now I suppose I need to make mine, lol

      No way hardly ever looks so tidy!, well the lounge mostly does just incase people visit and the toilet is always clean!!
      Yes we want to see yours now!

    5. TheDeadSim says:

      Ah another nice own home creations 🙂
      I really wanna get started on mine but have to wait a week 🙁

    6. CheekyBugga says:

      Woohooo Tiff!! Don’t it feel different seeing YOUR house on the internet lol When I was taking screenshots I walked thru my house like a I was a sim and I knew where every room was 😛 I like the design of your house Tiff Well Done 🙂

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