Packaging Lots For Upload – Sims 3 (Views:

Packaging lots for upload in the Sims 3 is very different than in the previous game, but not too difficult. In the edit town view, click on the house you want to package, then in the window that pops up click the ‘Share’ icon:
Click to continue then fill in the details, clicking the tick (checkmark) to continue:
Once it’s finished processing, open the game launcher:
In the launcher window click ‘Uploads’, check your file, then click ‘Show File’:
And there you will see it in your Sims 3 ‘Exports’ folder:
Now all you have to do is right-click on the file and compress it with AlZip, Winrar or some other compression software and upload it in the usual way.
You must be a logged in member to download this file
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