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Rattan Patio Furniture (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Comfort – Sofas & Loveseats
Room: Outdoor
Price: §100 each
Poly Count(s): Patio chair: 146, Patio Sofa: 144
Some simple patio furniture, cloned from an armchair and small sofa. You can find these in the outside seating area of the lot catalogue. I still struggle a bit with texturing, particularly shadowing, but I haven’t made any new meshes for a while so thought I’d give it a go. 🙂
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I tried to down load the rattan furniture, I got the chair but I can’t get the sofa and I love that set, please can you help me get the sofa?
It is really a lovely set,
Can I ask if you have it in different colors, looking for white or blond wood. Thanks so much for this beautiful set that I know it will look so good in my houses.
The sofa is included in the file, what problem are you having? Is it not showing in your game?
I love this set, again I will ask will you be making any other colors of this set? I do love the set and dl, even the furniture in my house is all blond and gold blond. Great job