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  • Residential Sierra Vista   (Views: 2,157 )

    6 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      Oh tric, this is beautiful! Once again I’m stunned by your simple, but very effective, landscaping. I love this and am downloading it right now!

    2. triciamanly says:

      Yay! So glad you like it! The desert is a far cry from beautiful, green, rainy England, right?

    3. LadyAngel says:

      Spot on tric! Although I couldn’t stand to live in a climate too hot. Even the few days of heat per year that we get is too much for me! lol

    4. triciamanly says:

      I long for rain! In the summer we have about 16 weeks of weather over 100 F! But everything is air conditioned so we don’t suffer that much. Right now is our most awesome weather. Today was sunny and about 70, really perfect. From October thru about the middle of April we have sensational weather. But still, rainy days are a special treat!

    5. LadyAngel says:

      No I couldn’t bear that kind of heat. In fact, I much prefer the winter. Last November we had the heaviest snowfall for decades, and it lasted right through January.

      This year it’s very mild at the moment, for the time of year. We still have the fire on, but it’s quite pleasant and sunny outside. However, I love the snow, and so do the kids, but we haven’t had any as yet, this year. 🙁

    6. jlouis says:

      Thank you for this very good work.

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