Sims 4 – Adding a foundation – UPDATED! (Views: 18,882 )
Old Method
With the Sims 4, you can add a foundation to your lot at any time. It’s just a shame that it applies to the entire lot so you can’t, say, have a garden shed or ‘garage’ next to your house without a foundation if the house has one. But never mind, it’s very easy to add a foundation even if you’ve finished your house. Visit the foundation section of the build mode menu:
Then simply adjust the slider to your desired height:
Once you’ve done that, select the foundation pattern you want to use and click the foundation to apply it:
New Method
You can add a foundation at any time. A game update now allows you to add different foundations to different parts of the lot – hurray! For this example, we have built a simple room:
Select the foundation tool and click the room. Use the ‘Up’ arrow to lift the foundation:
Then simply select the foundation pattern and click on the foundation to apply it:
Outside Foundations
There are several foundations shapes you can add to your lot. Just select the walls and foundations category and pick the foundation shape you want to use:
Place it where you’d like the foundation to begin:
Resize the foundation to the required size using the white direction arrows on the foundation:
Decorate it as you like and then you are finished! It can be resized at any time by clicking on it and using the white arrows again, but that’s basically it:
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This tutorial has now been updated to take into account the game update that allows you to add different foundations to different parts of the lot.
This tutorial has had another update to show how to add an outside foundation.