Theater Sofa (mod) (Views:

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This is a normal 3 seats sofa, cloned from the medieval sofa that came with Uni. The reason it is a mod, is that this sofa was modified to force sims to sit quiet until they namely wet themselves or almost. It was unexpected that the sofa would change all other sofas in game once it was made to be a theater object but I liked the change. In my game sims have fun when talking with each other so it is a pleasure for them to sit and communicate with others. It is not addictive though sims will sit more often and will have much more opportunities for personal contact. I hated the original medieval sit place so I meshed this one with much care, hope you like it. It is available in 4 wood colors including white and was meant for my churchy theater. It fits very well under my fake arches.
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This is one I have been waiting for, because there are other situations than a movie that the pixels should just sit and not move! Thanks for this!