Thrones (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Comfort – Living Chairs & Reciliners
Room: Living
Price: §1200 and 1290
Poly Count(s): See post
Why the throne of Darkness has to be 14 and the Throne of Light 4? Put both together, you get 18! This is a joke set with the Witch Thrones but they do not tamper with Sims motives, it doesn’t fit in my Life Stories so I left it out. What I did was to join both thrones in one and I think it looks a little bit more mature (). I included the meshes for the original thrones but do not download if you have AL, I didn’t change the GUIDs, I just made it Base Game. The Lod90 file is also included and it will make both the Throne of Light (blah!) and mine, visible from the hood if you mind. If you don’t, they are disposable, chair are used indoors anyway. Well, you can give a throne to your BG kings and queens. The glass ball animation is kept, good and evil are reunited cause Illusion is the only border line between good and evil. Ahn? . Poly counts are: My Chair Living Throne: 2334, costs § 1290; Evil Throne: 1610, costs § 1200; Throne Good: 2388, costs § 1290 and Lod90: 148 polys.
Extra Info
Objects fit to Life Stories, first edition.
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Ooh, I like these – very Gothic!
Always things pop up after Ive uploaded something lol!! These would have been perfect for my castle. Oh well will just have to build another to put them in!