Trees, Flowers n Things (Views:

Item Type: Re-Colour
Function: Decorative – Wall Hangings
Room: Multiple Rooms
Note from admin – all ImageShack images have disappeared!
I decided I needed some simple but effective artwork for the April Challenge house, so just whipped these up.
16 wall Art altogether 14 of them use ‘A Stroke’ and other 2 use thats black in white squiggly painting cat remember what its called now!
Have put you need nightlife as Im pretty sure the big painting is from there
Enjoy 🙂
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Wow! Love these Tiff, oh dear off they go into my bulging download folder, lol 😀
I love paintings that can go together on the wall when one isn’t enough and you want something that is of the same genre. These are truly lovely and are now in my folder too. Now if only I could build something worthwhile to put them in!
Anne, anything you make would be more than worthy! Its more like I hope my wall art is good enough to grace the walls of one of your houses!
Gorgeous – so simple and elegant.
Perfect for my artist studio thanks
These made me smile.