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TS4 Skininator (Views: 2,465 )
Tool Overview:
Create/Edit Custom Skin Colors
- Cloning Tool : Clones game skintones and creates a package with the TONE files.
- Clone Package Editor : Open and modify cloned packages.
- TONE Manager : Add/Delete TONEs, modify flags defining the type and usage, modify the swatch color and various other settings, import and export the skin color images.
- Overlay Manager : Add/Delete overlays, define which ages/genders each overlay applies to, import and export overlay images.
- Previewer : Preview skintones.
Create/Edit Default Replacement Skin Details
- Make New Default Replacement Package : Select which skin details you want to replace and clone them to a new package.
- Edit/Test Default Replacement Package : Import/Export textures and preview the skin details.
Cost: Free
Offsite download link(s):
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