Baby & Toddler Superstore – No CC! (Views:

Item Type: Business
Lot Size: 2×2
Price: §98,942
A superstore filled with everything baby & toddler related! Plus some stuff for kids! There is everything you could possibly need for a baby or toddler in this store with several different styles! And as usual no custom content for your convenience.
The bright coloured modern building is perfect for children and will fit into any neighbourhood nicely.
As most parents are (well from what I have seen) are exhausted and are in need of rest on occasion so I have made two rooftop areas designed for parents to sit, chat and relax with each other while children can play on the springy seahorse thing.
Just like any superstore, an elevator is included, mainly for children’s entertainment! (When I was a kid I loved playing in elevators and I’m sure you did too.)
Please note: Make sure this business is purchased by a Sim to function correctly. Each item will need to be set for sale after the lot has been purchased. (Please check OFB instructions on how to do this.)
Anyway, I hope you all enjoy the lot and can find a place for it in your neighbourhood. I hope to make some more community lots in future because I don’t have any for neighbourhood and I love to share so if you have any ideas feel free to send me a message. Please press thanks and or leave some feedback if you feel. Thanks for viewing! 🙂
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This is so cool! The rooftop ‘get-together’ place is ideal for parents of youngsters…I wish more of our stores were child-friendly!
(P.S. As this can be purchased as a business, I’ve moved it the ‘Business/Careers’ category)
Oh thanks for moving it 🙂
I just assumed it went in community lol
Will keep that in mind for next time.
Lovely, so colourful and welcoming! And I echo LA’s comment re child-friendliness. I’m sure the Sim’s children will love this store as much as their mums and dads do.
No problem. New sites always take some time to get used to 🙂
I think OFB is one of the best expansions. It’s really fun to build a business and especially in an awesome environment like this one! Surroundings like this make the game that much more enjoyable!
Do you know, that’s one thing I’ve never done. I don’t know if I’d know how! I may look into it and go through a bit of a ‘business’ phase! 🙂
I get my sim to buy a business then they end up spending almost their entire life at the business and never returning home! Its like an entirely new game and I am so glad it was an expansion pack.
Love this! So nice and colourful and child friendly!
Have to ask…how do you actually build a home business? Do you just need to add special items or does it need a zone change too?
I quite often build in residential, then change it to a community lot to access the cash registers that you need for a home business.
So build a shop, then playtest it to ensure it works cos you can’t upload with sims in it. Make sure you can set the merchandise for sale, the cash registers work and that customers visit. That’s what I did with mine.