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  • Mods Career – Cowplant – My mod   (Views: 24,810 )

    8 Responses

    1. LadyAngel says:

      I wouldn’t know where to start to mod the game, you never cease to amaze me!

    2. xptl297 says:

      I had to make a small replacement of the mod. The explanation was placed in the first line.
      I’m making now very complex mods and they require extensive avaliation and tests. I’m totally alone and using 3 computers at the same time, so some oops! can happen.
      If anyone can report anything that should be corrected, it helps.

    3. CheekyBugga says:

      Your Talents never cease to amaze me honestly!! Well Done and Thank you I simply had to download it 🙂

    4. Shinigamigurl says:

      This looks great! I have been wanting to ‘clean out’ trash sims and haven’t had a lot of luck using the cowplant, I invite them over and keep them until I know they’re hungry just fine but when I influence them to bathe (so the cow plant can eat them) they don’t stay in long enough to actually get clean! And when I use the SimBlender to control them I can’t get them to ‘grab cake’ for some reason…but this is JUST what I need!

      I do have a question though- If anyone knows if the CowPlant will work on a community lot (OFB- privately owned). I put the CowPlant there because I wanted to get ‘younger’ faster but even when I ‘max motives’ and have visitors ‘grab cake’ the cow plant smells them and rejects! With this mod can they be eaten or does it just work on residential lots?

    5. Shinigamigurl says:

      Oh and what’s the difference between the 2 downloads Mod9 and Mod9A??
      (sorry I had to post twice but my first post isn’t shown because it has to wait to be approved- but I tend to forget questions if I don’t post them immediately)

    6. xptl297 says:

      Well, you are luckier than me, I can see only the 3 first posts, so I am answering blind. The difference is that the Version A is the newest. It means it was updated. I had to keep the elder one because I had claims before from users that mean that the previous version worked better for them and they didn’t like the update. In the present case, I suggest you get the last update because there was some repairs that had to be done and I did. 🙂

    7. Shinigamigurl says:

      Don’t know what happened but I HAD the cowplant on my OFB community lot but everyone just keep feeding it. SO I took it home and still couldn’t click on it…thought something was wrong so I figured I’d delete it and just unlock it again BUT the cowplant is no longer offered as a career reward??

      I used the clean installer to disable to package so I could check- and that did the trick…it was again a career reward.
      -Went back into the game (with the package disabled) and the cowplant was back as a career reward…SO I logged out and ‘re-enabled’ the package after getting new plants.
      -Went back into the game again and was able to click on the plants no problem- Grab Cake, Grab cake- No test, and feed were all in the pie menu. But my other sims on the lot did get a memory of the death. Children are able to grab the cake, and non residents can be asked to milk the cow plant.
      -Going back the to career rewards section- the cow plant is now missing again. Luckily I had gotten 3 when I disabled the package but I think that might be a glitch.

      I’m using 9A
      All eps and packs- up to Apartment life and Mansions and gardens

    8. xptl297 says:

      The cow in this mod works completely different from the original. Are you sure you are not having more than one copy installed? Feeding the cow is autonomous but no one will suicide, you have to command them to kill themselves or kill a visitor. The milk is no longer available forever and will disappear after a while and the cow will produce another cake. Though I very seldom use the cow (my game kills the sims naturally) I have it in one lot permanently and didn’t have any problems with it. Another reason I can think of, is that if you take the mod out and place in again you will have to shut down the computer and start again (no re-start). TS2 is partial memory resident program (TSR – terminate and stay resident) and will not clean out from memory until you shut down the computer. You should also delete the caches. Mootilda at MTS2 made a small BAT file to clean TS2 caches in one click and it is very effective. If your computer is not too slow, it is a good option. I use it all the time but I use only a super computer for my craziness now and I can do whatever I wish.

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