Dracul Isle (Views:

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Dracul Isle
Come play this beautiful medieval world full of quaint little peasant villages, grand castles and bustling shires of trade. Enjoy the rolling hills and forests, the sandy beaches and the grassy green meadows of Dracul Isle where peasants, nobles and lords share a quiet life in peace. Or do they? It seems these medieval folks have suffered through their own dark ages when certain sinister strangers came to their peaceful little island long ago in the shadowy night. Does one dare go to the far side of the island? Perhaps, only the brave and the curious will venture beyond that old rickety bridge to find out what really lies beyond. Will that be you?
- Extra Info
- You must have the free EA world Riverview for this world to play. The SP Outdoor Living is needed for the outside lighting and some decor.
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Key areas:
Three Small Peasant Villages- each peasant village has the usual community and residential lots as listed.
Peasant lots(51 homes fully furnished)
Peasant Dwelling I-20×30 Peasant Dwelling II-20×30
Peasant Dwelling III-20×30 Peasant Dwelling IV-25×25
Peasant Dwelling V-30×20 Peasant Dwelling VI-20×20
Peasant Dwelling VII-30×20 Peasant Dwelling VIII-20×25
Peasant Farm I-40×30 Peasant Farm II- 40×40
(4 fully furnished castles)
Cornwall Castle- 60×60 Dracul Castle- 60×60
Braxton Castle-60×60 Camelot Castle- 60×60
There are 3 centralized locales full of community services, job opportunities and entertainment.
Seaport Shire
Pub, Diner, Real Estate Office (business/journalism), Inventor’s Studio, Grocery store, Game Corner, Doctor’s Medical Clinic, Art Studio, Spa, Public Bathrooms and Stables,
Belfast Shire-60×60
Theater, Pub, Diner, Police Station, Book Store, Grocery Store, Game Corner, Sculpture Studio, Spa, Library with wedding chapel and reception area, Public Stables and restrooms.
Buckingham Shire-
Court House, Diner, Bookstore, Grocery, Pub, Science Lab, Music Theater, Spa, Music Shoppe, Game Hall, Public Restrooms and Stables.
Community lots:
There are many community lots scattered all over the island that meet the needs of the peasants and nobles. Sims can slum in the beach area or travel to the finer part of the island for trade, business, entertainment or jobs.
Barnsley Antique Shoppe-20×30 Bristol Tattoo & Style Shoppe-20×30
Brighton Pool-20×18 Brita Pond-11×10
Cheshire Park-20×10 Croydon’s Inn- 20×20
Darby Shipping Yard (junkyard)-12×18 Debtor’s Prison-25×20
Dracul Academy of Fine Arts-30×30 Dracul Academy Park-30×30
Dracul Academy Fishing Hole-13×15 Dracul Isle Cemetery-30×30
Dracul Country Church-30×30 Dracul Isle Fire Brigade-30×20
Dracul Fish Hatchery-64×64 Dracul Winery-64×64
Earl Pond-10×9 Eston Fishing Hole-16×12
Glen Pond-23×14 Leeds Village Wash n’ Dry-20×20
Little Eden Pond-36×47 Norwick Lighthouse (dance club)-30×40
Peasant Playground I-20×12 Peasant Playground II-20×18
Peasant Playground III-20×18 Peasant Playground IV-20×20
Seaport Cemetery- 30×20 Seaport School-25×25
Seaport Village Rest Area-18×16 Sheffield Art Gallery-30×20
Sir Lancing Sports Arena-30×20 Shakespeare Theatrical Troope-20×20
Wheaton Martial Arts Academy-20×20 Wigon Pool-12×12
Gypsy Camp-
Located on the far side of the island is a camp of several Gypsy wagons. The colorful wagons form a circle for privacy with a small well in the center of camp. There is a fenced-in stable for the stock and a small pond for fishing. The camp is surrounded by a gated fence for privacy. And unbeknownst to any curious travelers who might venture into the camp, this area is taboo to just any peasant or lord. Take heed! There could be some strange goings-on just beneath their weary feet. Beware!
Rabbit holes:
You will need Carzarupt’s free rabbithole rugs from TSR. You will need the Jinx movie lot door, and if you prefer, you can get Jinx’s rugs at MTS.
Thanks, everyone. I hope you will have an interest in my beautiful new world. Hugs, Judy 🙂
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Judy this is beautiful, I could just see myself visiting this in real life. I love this style of architecture.
Thanks, Karen. It is really a fun hood to play. It was tedious creating since I had to build nearly every lot. Any EA lot that I used had to be remodeled. I still play it as well as my Victorian one. Lady Angel is going to break down the files for me so people can download it if they want, but she must be off site for a while.
Absolutely gorgeous! I agree with Karen, this is my type of style, too!