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  • Residential Eagle Manor Refurbished – original house by LadyAngel   (Views: 2,657 )

    5 Responses

    1. triciamanly says:

      Well, I for one, love what you’ve done! It’s a great old house, the kind that will definitely be on the home tour! What fun, Lady Angel!

    2. LadyAngel says:

      What can I say, this is lovely! And I actually like that you’ve kept the old wall covering in the lounge, it really works 🙂 I think we have some serious competition tric!

    3. Thank you, good job the original creator likes it! It’s good to have some friendly competition, don’t you think, keeps us on our toes. Now for the next one.

    4. Sookielee says:

      I really like the layout on this lot. There are plenty of rooms without it seeming like a giant house. Good Job.

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