Fake Garage Doors (Views: 7,924 )
Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Decorative – Wall Hangings
Room: Outdoor
Price: §60
Poly Count(s): 12
If you don’t have the Sims 2 Nightlife expansion pack, or just want to build with the base game, the lack of a garage door can be a pain, and usually entails looking for a wall covering that would suffice. So, here’s a few fake garage doors for your base game lots. They just snap to the wall and seem to be the right size. If you want, you could place one on the inside wall as well to make it look a bit more realistic. 🙂
They can be found in the outside decorative section of the catalogue, and under wall decorations. I’ve included a few recolours to cater for different tastes.
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Oh yeah!!!! Genius and thank you very much!
Thank you Anne, I thought it was something the base game needed. 🙂
Brilliant, a definite need for base game!
Thank you Princess 🙂
this is awesome thank you 😉
Thanks I hope they’ll be useful to you 🙂