Marriage Priest (Views:

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I replaced the marriage arch by a priest doll and it will not replace the original arch. It is a totally new object and my first intention was to create an autonomous interaction. It was not possible to make the arch autonomous because the codes are too weak for a logical autonomy. So instead, I remade the social interaction, that is not included here once it requires a whole bunch explanations. My primary intention is to make ALL interactions logically autonomous to provide non-playables with a normal life as if they were playables. I succeeded and if you think that autonomy would make the game boring, you have no idea of the dynamics and variety that can happen when you play just one house. Well, to the point: this is a very normal marriage “Arch”, it is just that is a priest doll located right back the original place to be occupied by the bride and groom. The couple will take the same place as before but will look like facing a priest when getting married. I re-enabled the original wedding clothes and if you don’t use it, you have to disable it again. I’m not fond of clothing changes at all so I prefer whatever that is default. If you like the old frou-frou arches, just watch me, I’m going to give a good lot. 🙂 The doll is the lowest poly possible once it is a 3 tiles object and the meshes are from the LOD15. I also included the LOD90 to make it viewable from hood view and if you can mesh and don’t care for hood view, you can eliminate it once it causes double poly count. It is located in general party together with the arches and costs the same as well. It is located here in Mods because it is not a simple object but a severe change.
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What an excellent idea, very realistic! 🙂
I’ve been looking for something like this for a long, long time. Thank you!
This is fantastic, thank you so much!!!!!! 😀
thank u