Office Chairs (Views: 1,955 )
Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Comfort – Dining & Other Chairs
Room: Study/Office
Price: §500, 450
Poly Count(s): ikea chair, 2254, salon office, 2470
These office chairs are in fact, little Frankensteins.
Ikea Office Chair is a combination of the Ikea Living chair with the rollers of the Bohemian chair.
The salon office chair is of course a combination with the Salon chair and the rollers of the Bohemian chair. I made it because the previous office chair with same look I downloaded from somewhere, had 16000 polys.
I never noticed before someone at MTS called my attention for poly count. I use an extrem powerful computer, but never noticed the difference on my smaller computer either. Well, here are some with lower poly than that.
ikea chair, 2254 polys, price § 500
salon office, 2470 polys, price § 450
I used simpe, Milkshape and Photoshop 7
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These are great, well done on reducing the poly count, I know how difficult that can be. 🙂
Ohhh these are good!! They look so nice,I have downloaded lots of office chairs but they look stupid and out og preportion BUT these look like RL Thank you I must grab them 😀