Stereo Moderate – Marilyn (Views:

Item Type: New Mesh
Function: Electronics – Audio
Room: Multiple Rooms
Price: §3500
Poly Count(s): 3961
Here is another stereo for another times. It is cloned from the moderate stereo, so it is 1 tile, but it costs also §3500 (dolls are heavy and should not be many).
Polygon count is 3961 and is located with all the other stereos.
It is updated for full game and is enabled to be placed on low tables like coffee tables for example. As it doesn’t look so logical in normal coffee tables, I extracted the display boxes and made them into coffee tables, but I’m going to upload separatedly to not cause much confusion. 🙂
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Fabulous! My husband will love this, he’s a big Monroe fan 🙂
Happy Birthday Mr. Pre..I mean thanks for sharing it’s cool.
I have it in my game for years, with all the other musicians, everything works very well, even under W10.