Oceancrest (Views:

Many thanks to SimFansUK member, MarioKart, for the idea for this neighborhood, a mountain, coastal town with hopefully a Maine or Vermont feeling. Your Sims will have all the conveniences: shopping, historical society library, restaurant and cafe, bed and breakfast, beachfront inn, beachfront apartments (you will be able to changelotzoning apartment base with AL), church, and two beaches. The Seaside Campground has tents, barbecue grills, and restrooms with showers. I think your Sims could live their whole lives there free if they were so inclined. There are numerous houses, some furnished, most unfurnished and five starter homes with starter furnishings. There are plenty of flat lots for building as well as room for more beach houses or businesses. Hope you enjoy Oceancrest. May it revive your interest in Sims2.
Link to slide show of lots:
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Feedback is very welcome! I didn’t include any cc in this since none of my cc showed up in the last neighborhood I made. If you find anything that doesn’t work, please let me know and I’ll try to fix the file. Thanks to all!
Anne, I genuinely don’t know where to begin with my praise of this neighbouhood! The style of the terrain and the versatility of the included lots are absolutely fantastic! How you can make so many different styles of buildings and keep the landscaping so simple but so amazing is something to which I could never aspire!
My main PC is out of action at the moment, but as soon as I get onto my laptop I’m downloading this and going exploring, thank you so much for this unique upload!
WOW, What Lady A said, stupid question, it is for sims2 right, if so I’m getting it, I really like it, it is very clean looking, like a neighborhood I would want to live in.
Please, please let it be for sims2 , never mind I found out and am DL it B4 I get off of here.
How Do I get onto photo bucket? please
Chi, so glad you like it! Hope it all works out and that you can have some fun! I’d love to hear what you think after you play it!
Wow this really is great thanks very much! sorry for the late reply just moved house so been massively busy!
I love everything that you design, I love your houses and your neighborhoods, keep up your great work and I will keep downloading.thank you so much
awesome … thanks a bunch 😉